Happy Holidays & Happy Slides by Uschi Jeffcoat

Ten Pipers Piping

The Germans will say, “Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!” which when literally translated means, a good slide into the New Year. I find that expression so funny and when I say it, I picture people on trash can lids sliding on snow into a new year.


It is a complete visual morphing of two cultures because for one, German trash cans don’t even have the same lids as American ones do. I think this is the way my mind works often. In these strange visual word associations.

2019 contained much gold leaf in my art making and some experimenting. Perhaps I should have bought bananas and duct tape instead. Have you followed some of the news events surrounding this? So much truth there and so much absurdity at the same time.


I also revisited a few childhood fairy tale illustrations by Hermann Eichhorn this year, simply for play. They are from a block puzzle set I once played with as a child. It probably has some tape on it too.

Within the set, there were a few fairy tale scenes I always favored above others. I would make sure that when I put the box away, they would be facing upwards. And never ever, would I leave the pieces all jumbled like in the picture I included below.

As the year end approaches, I wish you a very festive holiday season and a good beginning to a new year!

Thank you so much for your investment in my art this year. If you have acquired a painting, I hope you are enjoying it as much as I enjoyed painting it. I am so happy it has found a happy home.

This image of the block puzzle set is from this Etsy shop .

This image of the block puzzle set is from this Etsy shop .

PS after December 15th, the online shop will be closed for updates and a little bit of hibernation.